Willow Pointe homeowners association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, September 3, 2008





The Willow Pointe Homeowners Association, Inc., Board of Directors met for the monthly meeting of the Homeowners Association at the Willow Pointe Pool located at 9919 Willow Crossing, Houston, TX 77084 at 6:30 p.m. 


Board of Directors:

Present:                                                                                   Absent:                                               

Judith Schwartz, Treasurer                                             Greg Decker, President

Noah Herrera, Director at Large

Scott Ward, Vice President


Management Company:

Maria Maldonado, Property Manager  

Jane Godwin, Randall Management


Call to Order:

Scott Ward, Vice President of the Willow Pointe Board of Directors called the meeting to order at   

6:49 p.m. 


Establish Quorum – Roll Call:

With a majority of the Board of Directors present, the quorum was established.  The Directors in attendance are listed above.


Adoption of Agenda:

The agenda was reviewed, and a motion was made by Scott Ward, seconded by Noah Herrera, and it was unanimously decided to amend the agenda to move New Business and the Basketball Policy up on the agenda.  These items will be discussed after the Open Forum.


Open Forum:

   Brian Roberson – 10115 Hickory Trail Lane  

Mr. Roberson attended the meeting to notify the Board of Directors that he received a deed    restriction violation for his basketball goal.   Judith Schwartz explained to Randall Management that the letter was confusing because it referenced the ARC Guidelines.  Judith Schwartz explained that the guidelines were not filed and the letters should not have referenced these guidelines. The owner was informed that the guidelines are on the agenda to be finalized this evening.


Brenda Owens – 10111 White Oak Trail

Mrs. Owens informed the Board that she had received a letter in reference to her basketball goal.  She informed the Board that the basketball goal is being stored next to the fence.


New Business:

Parking Strip Trees – The Board of Directors discussed the maintenance of the trees between the curb and the sidewalks.  A motion was made by Noah Herrera, seconded by Scott Ward, and it was unanimously approved that all original trees planted by the developer should be cared and replaced by the owner. 


Community Graffiti – Scott Ward informed the Board of Directors that the quantity of graffiti in the community was increasing.  Scott Ward notified the Board of Directors that he has been removing the graffiti from the mailboxes and requested reimbursement for $23.51 of paint.  A motion was made by Noah Herrera, seconded by Judith Schwartz, and it was unanimously approved to reimburse Scott for the paint to cover the graffiti. 


Pool Maintenance – The Board of Directors discussed the three (3) crape myrtles which are located next to the pool.  The Board decided to remove the crape myrtles because the debris from trees was clogging the pool filtration equipment and straining the motors. 


Garage Sale Policy – Judith Schwartz presented the Garage Sale Policy for Willow Pointe.  Judith notified the Board of Directors that numerous garage sales are taking place every weekend creating additional traffic and congestion in the neighborhood.  A motion was made by Judith Schwartz, seconded by Scott Ward, and it was unanimously decided to allow owners to participate in two community sponsored garage sales per year.  In addition, owners could request up to one additional garage sale on an alternate date with Board approval. 


Basketball Goals – The Board of Directors discussed the guidelines for basketball goals at Willow Pointe. Noah Herrera suggested that the basketball goals should be stored behind the set-back line or the building line of the home.  After a lengthy discussion, the Board of Directors agreed to change the guidelines to say that basketball goals should be stored behind the building line.  The Board requested that the basketball goal letters be modified to reflect the new policy.


Approval of the Minutes:  August 6, 2008 Minutes   

The Board of Directors reviewed the August 6, 2008 minutes. A motion was made by Judith Schwartz, seconded by Scott Ward, and it was unanimously decided to accept the August 6, 2008 minutes as amended.  Judith Schwartz requested that the Board receive the minutes prior to the meeting. 


Committee Reports:

Modification Committee – Maria Maldonado presented several ACC Applications to the Board for approval.  The Board of Directors reviewed the ACC applications that were previously denied for the sheds/play structures. The applications were reviewed to see these improvements were in compliance with the amended documents.  All of the applications that were reviewed were found to be in compliance and the applications were approved.


Newsletter Committee – Scott Ward suggested that the next addition of the newsletter include an article about graffiti in the common areas and around the Willow Pointe Community.  The article should remind the parents that they are responsible for their kids and the responsible parent will be charged for any damage done by their children.


Web Report – Judith Schwartz informed the Board of Directors that the website was modified.  Scott Ward suggested that a darker font color be utilized to improve visibility of the print and make the site easier to read. 


Courtesy Patrol & Crime Watch – Judith Schwartz notified the Board of Directors about the vandalism in the pool area.  Judith Schwartz also notified the Board that the trespass affidavit was still in process. 


Landscaping Committee – Scott Ward notified the Board of Directors that the landscape committee requested official Willow Pointe letterhead.  Judith also suggested having business cards printed for Board members.  The Board discussed the proposed stepping stone path between the sidewalk and pool building and decided to research the option of installing a permanent concrete sidewalk to accommodate the traffic between the parking lot and the pool. 


Landscaping Goals for 2009 were discussed.  The Board requested that the landscape committee submit a detailed landscaping proposal and prioritize their proposed projects for 2009.   


Management Report – Jane Godwin reviewed the Financials for the month ending August 31, 2008 in great detail. The following are the account balance as of August 31, 2008.  The Prosperity checking account balance was $6,220, Countrywide Temp Transfer $50,000, Prosperity Money Market was $29,177, Smith Barney reserve account was $80,205, and Countrywide Money Market account was $49,063.  The administrative expenses for the month were $1,710, Utilities were $7,133, Grounds Maintenance was $4,661, and Community Services were $2,522. The Total Expenses for the month of August were $25,926 and year-to-date the total expense for the Association are $169,643.  Judith requested detailed information on specific line items.  Jane suggested that Judith contact Carolina to set up a meeting to review each of the items.


Legal Report – Jane Godwin presented the updated legal report from Casey Lambright’s Office.  She reviewed the accounts with the attorney for collections and deed restrictions violations.


Deed Restriction Report – The items under Board Review where discussed in great detail.  The Board of Directors decided to submit three (3) new deed violations to the Association’s attorney for legal deed restriction enforcement. 


Unfinished Business:

Pool Bids – Maria Maldonado notified the Board of Directors that Greater Houston Pool Management has submitted a bid for the 2009 pool season.  Maria Maldonado informed the Board of Directors that three (3) other companies have been asked to submit a bid for lifeguard and pool maintenance service for the 2009 pool season.  Judith Schwartz volunteered to schedule an appointment with Greater Houston Pool Management to interview the prospective pool company and review their bid. 


National Night Out – Judith Schwartz informed the Board of Directors that she has not received enough volunteers to hold the National Night Out event that was originally planned.  The Board decided to cancel the event due to a lack of participation. 



With no further business to discuss, a motion was made, seconded, and it was unanimously decided to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.